Prices: The Real Deal

Home prices increasing

Prices: The Real Deal

October 09, 2018 / Category: Buying, Seller Services

For certain, Coral Springs has been undergoing some residential price increases. Homeowners from decades past would think it was a work of fiction if you were to tell them what average Coral Springs listing prices are these days.


However, these prices are steals compared with what typical Manhattanites pay. According to the Wall Street Journal, that is the case with walk-ups.

Walk Ups

“Manhattan walk-ups” are residences without the convenience of an elevator. When you consider all the possessions we take in and out of our homes in a typical week, walk-up living is no picnic.

That is especially the case for anyone living above the third floor. Consider the amount of times we go in and out of a Coral Springs front door on a typical day, then multiply that by the number of stairs involved.


You can certainly see what the average walk-up tenant is facing. Consider now, what if you were a couple carrying an infant or a senior citizen with a dog?


Despite the substantial effort needed to simply walk into your front door, last week, the Journal stated how “more and more people are looking past the fact that they are climbing stairs.” The specifics are riveting – but please take a seat before we delve further.


Prices for buildings with elevators are what you would anticipate. Penthouse views are expensive – much costlier than first or second floor apartments.


Now is the time to take a seat. Just consider a “narrow” 5th floor East Village co-op unit that just sold for 1,900,000. The deal was reached less than 3 weeks after it was listed. It included a bidding war which comprised of seven offers going over the asking price.

Asking Prices for Walk Ups

It joined more than 60 Million Dollar Plus high floor walk-up sales in Manhattan. The Journal reported that asking prices “may be rising.” The understatement went along agreeably with one optimistic appraiser’s assessment that climbing so many stairs “is like having a free health club.”


Yes, Coral Springs buyers have been witnessing some asking price increases. However, I can confidently say most Coral Springs properties listed now are, relatively speaking, complete bargains. I hope you will contact us if you are considering buying or listing!


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