
A long distance move

April 13, 2020 / Category: Seller Services
Hi there, My family and I recently made a long-distance move that was exhausting but worth the effort. It took years to get here and a lot of prep work over the last few months to make the transition actually happen, and I’d like to share some of the information I found most useful during […]

 By joe.miranda on April 13, 2020

Owning Your Home: The American Dream

January 11, 2019 / Category: Buyer Services, Buying, Home Buying Tips
Owning your home.
When people think about the factors involved in the American Dream one that always makes the list is owning your home. It is a strong sign of financial stability and success. No matter how modest your beginnings, freely working to make this happen has long been a hallmark of the American Dream. However, lately there […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on January 11, 2019

A Stress-Free Move

November 26, 2018 / Category: Buyer Services, Buying
Stress-free move.
Moving day madness is a reality. But what can you do in the weeks and days prior to help lessen the drama? Hiring relocation professionals would be wonderful but is not always an available option for everyone. Below you will find some tips to assist you in having a stress-free move if you decide to […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on November 26, 2018

Increasing Your House Value

November 18, 2018 / Category: Home Selling, Home Selling Tips, Seller Services
Increasing Your House Value
Are you preparing to sell and looking to increase your house value? There are many things to think through but the most important is the return on investment (ROI). If you are considering upgrading your vanity bathroom cabinets for example, you should rethink that approach. The return on investment is only 66%. That is nowhere […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on November 18, 2018

When to Sell Your Home

November 12, 2018 / Category: Home Selling Tips, Seller Services, Selling
when to sell your home
When deciding to sell your home, you may question when the best time is to do so. There are two different ways of thinking about this issue. One way opens an ongoing debate that will not be resolved anytime soon.   Many real estate experts believe that the best time to sell your home is […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on November 12, 2018

Concepts for a Bigger Kitchen

November 08, 2018 / Category: Home Selling, Home Selling Tips
bigger kitchen
We all know the important role a kitchen plays in any home. It is a gathering place for the entire family. If you are in a small uninviting space while preparing food, it affects your quality of experience. Are you looking to make improvements to your kitchen without spending a ton of money? How about […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on November 08, 2018

Consider Consistent Rent Increases

November 06, 2018 / Category: Investment Real Estate, Rental Investment
For rent sign on property with rent increases.
After a period of barely being on the radar, inflation has begun to become an issue again. If you are a landlord this directly affects your bottom line. There are many things to consider when implementing rent increases to keep up with inflation.   First, increasing rent in a courteous manner includes communicating with your […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on November 06, 2018

Home Loans In The Now

November 02, 2018 / Category: Buying, FICO, Home Buying Tips, Mortgage
home loan application
As far as home loans go, Ellie Mae  is in the know.   The tech company makes available automation software to a big portion of the mortgage finance industry. Ellie Mae gets the complete picture of residential sales and financing as it deals with more than a third of all U.S. home loans. From its […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on November 02, 2018

Selling Your House? What to Do First

October 30, 2018 / Category: Buying, FICO, Home Selling Tips
Selling Your House
In advance of selling your house, there is one not often thought of step to consider. It will make the process more financially worthwhile. This step is not exactly obvious. However, when you consider the larger financial picture, it is extremely wise. This often-ignored step concerns your credit. You may not think your credit is […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on October 30, 2018

Home Buyer! What Are Your Questions?

home buyer reclining on question mark
Recently the National Association of Realtors compiled a list of responses to common questions a typical home buyer might ask their agents. The list is as follows:   “How much should I spend?” You must look at your entire financial picture, which can be simple when you use a “house affordability calculator.” Skip past the […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on October 28, 2018


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