
Be Prepared To Buy, Even If You’re Not Prepared To Buy

October 10, 2017 / Category: Home Buying Tips
Be prepared to buy
Ready To Buy In a Seller’s Real Estate Market Whether a first time home buyer, or a seasoned investor, one can never be too prepared to buy when the real estate market is a full blown seller’s market. We know not everyone actively looking for homes for sale are serious and in a hurry. In […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on October 10, 2017

Here’s a List of Our Favorite “Home Hacks”

May 30, 2017 / Category: Home Oranization
House hacks make life easier
9 Home Hacks to Make Your Life Easier Home Hacks, who doesn’t love ‘em? I know I do. But what about home hacks? Of course! especially relevant because you don’t have to be an active home seller to appreciate some time saving organizational tips. But if you are selling your house, or preparing these home […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on May 30, 2017

Logic and Rationality: The Solution to Real Estate Inspection Jitters

May 30, 2017 / Category: Home Inspection
Home Inspection
How to Keep Your Home Inspection Nerves Calm The other day I was speaking with a client after a closing. We were talking about our recent transaction working with our Lead Buyer’s Agent, Johnny. Among the discussion I asked in his opinion what was the most stressful part of the transaction. Even though we had […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on May 30, 2017

Top 5 Characteristics That Distinguish The Best Real Estate Agent

May 30, 2017 / Category: Who You Hire Matters
Every real estate agent will have a different way of doing business
What to Look for When Hiring a Real Estate Agent When considering buying or selling a home, the first most important task for you to take in will be deciding who is the best Realtor® to work with. Although you may think combing through all of the current listings and driving through neighborhoods to see […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on May 30, 2017

Game Theory In Coral Springs Real Estate Negotiation

May 26, 2017 / Category: Negotiating
Knowing what your opponent is thinking helps in negotiation
Real Estate Negotiation Tactics The term Game theory sounds like it might have something to do with how to win a Friday evening game night. However, it is actually a very serious, highly studied logical field that mathematicians delve into. Interestingly enough, when you study successful negotiation tactics—Coral Springs real estate negotiations included—you can start by […]

 By Joseph J. Miranda on May 26, 2017


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